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How to Monitor and Track Your Music Campaign


As a musician, the release of new music is a defining moment in your career. With many different paths you can take to promote and market your music, it can be challenging to know if your efforts are paying off. That’s where the right set of tools and an understanding of how to follow your metrics can help you adjust your path to maximize the results. In this article we will show you the basics of how to monitor your music campaign and track outreach results using Virtual Publicist.

Virtual Publicist is a comprehensive platform designed specifically for musicians to manage their campaigns in a single portal. With a series of outreach metrics and an organized set of management tools, Virtual Publicist is the ultimate assistant for a musician’s PR campaign.

Set Clear KPI’s and Goals: 

KPI stands for key performance indicator, these are a series of metrics that are used to analyze the results of your efforts. Setting goals and KPIs help musicians measure progress, identify areas for improvement, and achieve success in their campaign.

As an artist, start by creating a list of goals you want to achieve in the short, medium and long term. This can be an exact number of publications, a milestone of song sales, an amount of subscribers on your channel etc….

With clear goals in place, you’ll know exactly what you’re working towards, and Virtual Publicist will help you find the right people to reach. 

Here are some examples of KPI’s for musicians that you can track with Virtual Publicist

  1. Outbound Messages: The quantity of messages sent to your contacts
  2. Replies and Opens: How many of these messages were opened by your targets
  3. Reply Rate: How many of these opens resulted in a message back
  4. Message & Reply Positivity: When sending or receiving a message, our AI tracks the quality of the message and sends you a weekly report on how to improve at the source.
  5. Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of clicks on a link or ad out of the total number of times it was viewed or delivered
  6. Contact Completeness: When a contact is added by the user, you can see how complete the information of this contact is. This will show you if there is more information required to fully assess that person’s relevance to your campaign goals.

Monitor Your Music Campaign For Media & Press Mentions: 

When reaching out to the media, the ultimate result you are looking for is a publication, placement, mention, quote or any type of content that puts forward your name, reputation and creation.

When monitoring a media outreach campaign, make sure to look out specifically for replies / open & the click through rate. In both these instances you will see how far the journalist or editor is going through your message. If the open rate is low, that means that your message is not converting at the source, which can be resolved with a more enticing subject and opening line. Click through rate will show if the message you have sent is interesting enough to turn the reader into a viewer by opening the links you have sent them. In this case, it becomes a question of the message and the way you are presenting your art.

On the Virtual Publicist platform, it is key to follow these types of metrics to make the most out of your campaign. The most important is to improve your outreach skills as you move forward by tracking the KPI’s growth throughout your work.

Measure the Impact of Specific Campaigns: 

Have you achieved the goal you set out to achieve ? To measure the impact of your campaign it is important that the goal you have set for yourself is clear and well defined. It should have both qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Qualitative Goals:

  • These include objectives such as increasing brand awareness, building a relationship with the audience, improving the artist’s reputation, or creating a positive image for the artist. These goals are subjective and not easily measurable in numbers or figures, but can be demonstrated by KPI’s like a higher click rate.
  • For example: the greater your reputation, and more popular your song, the more likely it will be for your target to open your email and click on the links you have attached.

Quantitative Goals:

  • Quantitative goals are goals that can be measured in numbers or figures. These goals are specific, concrete, and can be tracked to evaluate progress and success. In an outreach campaign for a musician, examples of quantitative goals include increasing the number of social media followers, generating more sales, or achieving a specific revenue target. These goals are easy to measure and track, making it easier to determine the effectiveness of the outreach campaign.
Image of the Virtual Publicist dahsboar that gives you top Kpi's that help when figuring out how to Monitor Your Music Campaign
Find the top tracking KPI’s right on your dashboard

Virtual Publicist’s campaign tracking works hand in hand with the suggestive AI. As different artists are reaching out to the database, we track and see which contacts are the most responsive. As you progress through the different phases of your campaign, the AI will automatically adjust which contacts it’s suggesting in accordance to how responsive they have been with others.

Custom Campaigns for Artists and Agencies

As a 360 tool, Virtual Publicist provides a customizable version for artists and multi-talent management agency’s. With its own set of metrics and back-end analytics, the premium features allow agencies to hone in on specific targets and accompany their artists in a very precise manner.

Our one on one webinars and campaign calls, will help you and your artist reach key campaign goals, as well as help you adjust both goals and expectations.

Monitor Your Music Campaign, in Conclusion

Virtual Publicist is the ultimate tool for musicians looking to monitor and measure the success of their marketing and PR outreach campaigns. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, you’ll have everything you need to take your career to the next level. 

So why wait? Sign up for Virtual Publicist today and start !